Schemas Theory Research Initiative
Kent Palmer
This is a resource site for schemas theory research.
Schemas are the next higher level of abstraction from systems theory and encompass other schemas besides the system schema such as facets, monads, forms, openscapes, domains, worlds, kosmoi, and pluriverses. Find out more at,, and Schemas Theory has been a research project for Kent Palmer for many years as a possible foundational paradigm shift for Systems Engineering and to provide a basis for Architectural Design methods in Software Engineering. For more about Schemas see Umberto Eco's Kant and the Platypus. Schemas were first proposed by I. Kant in Critique of Pure Reason. They were explored by R. Carnap in Logical Structure of the World, and mentioned by Wittgenstein in Philosophical Grammar. Schemas were a focus for E. Cassirer's NeoKantian philosophy. Various Continental philosophers like Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida, Deleuze, Bataille, Zizek, Badiou and others have contributed to the understanding of Schemas. Kent Palmer advanced the S-prime hypothesis that there are ten schemas that were the ones mentioned above and that there was a rule which is that there are two schemas per dimension and two dimensions per schema. This research initiative explores the ramifications of the S-prime hypothesis for the field of General Schemas Theory which is meant to study all the possible schemas within the Western worldview and their relations to each other and their mathematical underpinnings and implications for other disciplines such as Systems Engineering and Software Engineering.
view: Research Agenda
view: Workshop at INCOSE IS 24 2014
Beyond Systems Philosophy: From Systems Philosophy to a Philosophy of Schemas
Systems Science Foundations for Systems Engineering Practice
To listen to the tutorial download the Slides and Audio for the section you want to look at which is called TestSlides and TestAudio.
Final Slides have material not covered in the TestAudio. Watch the Slides as you listen to the Audio, which tells you when to flip the slides. Suggest you look at the photo essay first.
[In final slides * indicates backup slides if grey, and additional slides if black]
Draft .03 June 2014
Overview: Photo Essay on Schemas Theory
Session 1 Sides: A Introduction [2up] with transcript
See in Sway
cleaned up after test2 with TestSlides used in TestAudio
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Session 2 Sides: B Philosophical Principles and Schemas Theory [2up] with transcript
See in Sway
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Session 3 Sides: C Foundational Mathematical Categories [2up]
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Session 4 Sides: D Emergent Meta-Schemas [2up]
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Session 5 Sides: E Emergent Schemas Design [2up]
TestSlides TestAudio (in preparation)
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Session 6 Sides: Integral Systems Engineering Methodology
Working Papers
Introduction to a Paradigm Shift
Nature of the Schemas Theory Paradigm Shift
10. Fragmented Worlds; n-Categories, n-Classes; Quadralectics as Refinements, Pentalectics as Subtleties; Endemic Long Inference Chains
11. Connected Worlds with Interconnected Moments
12. Exploring the Dagger {† or ‡}
INCOSE International Workshop 2015
An Exploration of Architecture of Systems Problem Solving by George Klir as a example of a General Systems Theory
For more on Schemas Theory see and and